RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More on Peter S. Beagle.

Mr. Conlan has updated the You Can Help site to include a chronology and specific items where the fans can help.

It looks as though the petition sheet either doesn't work with firefox or is broken, though. I'll try from home and see if that works.

This whole situation makes me sick at heart. It also makes me want to write a scathing op-ed piece on internet movie/book piracy, since it's big companies like these that are screaming for anti-piracy legislation on the grounds that it takes money away from the creators of a work, who only get a percentage of the profit. This is one of those cases where, if I had purchased a copy of this movie from Granada, I'd really want to rip it and upload it with a big fat banner that linked to the Donation Site for Mr. Beagle's legal fund. I wouldn't do that for the simple reason that it would sink me to Granada's level. Theft is wrong, no matter who it happens to.

IMDB is my buddy. I found A list of the movies Granada would have acquired when it bought out ITC - and since ITC seems to have not been on the level, I will not be purchasing any of those titles now that Granada owns them. There is also a list for Granada Media, but as that list is small, I'm assuming it hasn't cross-referenced the acquisitions from other companies.

I take a very large and active interest in supporting authors, actors, directors, producers, publishing companies, production and distribution studios. If I like a piece of media, I'm big on buying it not only for myself but for others, and encouraging complete strangers to look into it. Because when all is said and done, dollar signs are the best way to tell these companies what I want to see more of. I'm big on letter-writing to express my support, be it an artist or a cause. In this instance, it's both.

I urge anyone who reads this to check out the sites linked above and to donate a few minutes of their time, if they can't do more, to read about the issue and spread the word.

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