RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Friday, August 19, 2005


I edited the Alegria post to link to an mp3 of the song that was stuck in my head that morning. It's on a geocities hosted site, so don't be surprise if you get a buffer overrun error.

This is a blog, a program that uses FTP. I cannot ftp an existing mp3 to my blog. Blogger allows audioblogs up to 5 megs. There isn't, apparently, any way to upload an existing mp3 even if it's smaller than 5 megs. I briefly entertained thoughts of phoning in a post, holding the phone up to the speakers of my computer, and playing the song - and decided that the satisfaction of having done that wouldn't outweigh the utterly craptacular sound I'd get.

I can now safely say that I have a fairly good beginner's understanding of RealAudio, iTunes, WinAmp, and SoundForge. Right now, I don't like any of them. All of them claim you'll be able to "share your music over the internet" - and they all lie. RealAudio's the only one that will actually let you do that, buuuut you have to re-encode your mp3 to real audio files before you can. And then they play slowly and buffer horridly and tend to crash non-IE browsers. If they crashed IE, I'd make a RealAudio file and put it on every web page I build, just for spite.

The reason this is frustrating is because I was trying to be legit and make the link so people could listen to the song online without downloading it. Apparently there's no decent way to do that. iTunes used to allow it, but no longer, unless you either pay to use their iMix site or buy a podcasting license. Which I would do if it were, y'know, more than one song.

The irony is that all the mp3 music players had to crack down on file transfer ability due to the RIAA freaking out about "piracy" - and in doing so, have utterly removed any way for me to legitimately allow others to hear what I'm listening to. At this point, I care not. I encourage people to buy music they like, I highly encourage anyone to catch a Cirque de Soleil show if they have the opportunity, but if you simply want to find out what was in my head all this week, go ahead and click on the link in the post below. It will let you download the song.

-Cap'n Red Peregrine

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