RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

That thing called 'Thanksgiving'

I lied. I'll be bringing you your regularly scheduled snark a wee bit more tonight.

This is the week everyone asks everyone else what they're doing for Thanksgiving. I love getting this question, because as a vegetarian native american, the answers are usually guaranteed to make someone's jaw hit the floor. And for the record? No, I don't eat turkey ever, not even once a year for Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure that's one small thing the turkeys of the world are thankful for.

Due to my being a complete hermit for about two months, I've only gotten this question twice. As I mentioned in the earlier post, Real Life reared it's ugly head and took a big ole bite right out of my backside, so life has kinda been a major ball of suck lately.

However, comparitively, it hasn't been all that bad. I'm not starving, I have a roof over my head, my family and friends are all safe and sound, I *have* friends and family to even worry about and who care enough to worry about me in return, I have access to decent medical technology for just about any ill I could possibly come down with, when I get bored I have entertainment close at hand, and all in all, life just isn't as bad as it is for some people in other parts of the world at this time of year.

So that's really what I'm thankful for. Sometimes it's hard to remember, when you're sitting at the bottom of a slump, that comparitively, your slump is just a tiny little divot in the grand scheme of things-that-could-suck. I'm thankful for all the wonderful people in my life, and for all the wonderful things about my life, for everything that makes me smile and everything that makes me sad - because without that I probably wouldn't appreciate the smiles as much as I do.

And I'm also thankful that at least once a year, this week rolls around and really makes me think about all that. That's what I'm doing for Thanksgiving - thinking about the things I'm thankful for.

Onward and upward and through the night we persevere until we find the light again.


On being a rabid fangirl.

I'm a media slave, especially for movies. If I hadn't been a elitist snob postsecondary student in high school, I would've been the AV geek, taken over the AV area and ruled it with an iron fist. I don't watch TV because I'm an ornery cuss - when I'm watching something, I want to be able to sit and watch it and not be interrupted by commercials, or Superbowl pre-empts. I also have no patience. Waiting an entire week for the next episode of anything will only cause me 6 days of frustrated anticipation. I would need a TiVo, but if I had a TiVo, I'd never leave the house again. I usually wait until the series comes out on DVD and catch up on it.

Firefly was a recent acquisition. I didn't get into it until I saw the preview for Serenity. The movie looked so good, I finally got around to watching the series, not knowing any of the truncation drama. Then, of course, I was stuck with a cliffhanger and two months until the movie came out. I had two more weeks to wait. Luckily, the Serenity comics helped close the gap. Way to reuse storyboards, Joss! I approve.

Transporter 2 was another movie I'd been spastic with anticipation to see. Well choreographed fight scenes, witty one-liners, gunfights, car chases, and most importantly, things blowing up. I was glad my friend and I had the theater pretty much to ourselves, because the movie had us in gleeful stitches. The best part was the Honda Civic commercial at the beginning, which showed an animated Civic doing the same sorts of things the car in the movie did.

We went to go see Doom on opening night, because I am a hopeless addict when it comes to The Rock without a shirt on. During the beginning of the movie, when we are first introduced to The Team, Ringside's Struggle was playing. I, being totally hopeless, started bouncing up and down in my seat shrieking, "OH MY GODS I KNOW THAT SONG! EEEE!!!!!" .. which got me a couple not so friendly looks. However, it also resulted in two people stopping me as I was leaving the theater, asking what song it was. I am not above pimping music I like.

At the risk of completely spoiling the movie for people, all I will say about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is that I didn't like it at all. To the point where I was burying my face in my friend's jacket and whimpering, "Make it stop!" Everyone else in the world will probably love it. At least four people reading this will go "WTF?! You liked Transporter Freaking 2 but you didn't like HP:GoF!?" .. and to that I say: pffft. I like movies for what they are - entertainment. If it entertains me, then in my not so humble opinion, it's a good movie. If it causes me to want to rip my eyes out of my head and pour salt in the bleeding open sockets, it's not a good movie.

Sadly, many movies make me want to do that, lately.

This weekend, I'm heading off to see Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash biopic. In preparation for this, I have been obsessively listening to my Johnny Cash cd's and thanks to friends on the internet have added the covers he did to "Hurt" and "Personal Jesus" to the collection of things playing on WinAmp. I had one person smarmily note that I'm going to be bitterly disappointed because Joaquin Phoenix did his own singing. I oh, so nicely pointed out for them that it's him singing in the trailer. Which caused them to do a doubletake and go listen again. He has a pretty voice, but it's not quite as gravelly as Johnny Cash's.

So. This is my sadly overdue update, wherein I fangirl all the movies I've been killing my time with for the past two months. Sorry about that. Had a brief attack of this thing called Real Life and it bit me on the ass pretty hard. Will return you to your regularly scheduled snark this week.