RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Did you call your congressperson today?

Today is the day the Department of Peace bill is being reintroduced to congress. Please see my post here if you need information on what the Department of Peace is, how to get involved, how to find out who your congressperson is, or how to find contact information on your congressperson.

If you cannot call today, please be sure to call them tomorrow. If you've already called them today, please schedule a follow-up call for next week. Please do all you can to get your representatives involved in this initiative.

Thank you!

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