RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Friday, September 02, 2005

Times I wish there was a camera crew videotaping my life..

There are people protesting homosexuality outside my building today. Since I doubt they have a permit for peaceful protest, the police will probably arrive soon with an order to disperse. I wish our windows opened. We're on the 41st floor, overlooking the protestors. I'd print out protest posters, protesting the protestors, and drop it on them.

Target Corporation owns the building my office is in. Apparently Target stores have done something these weak minded freaks think promotes a homosexual lifestyle in children. Unless Target suddenly started selling Billy dolls, I somehow doubt the threat to children's latent sexual preference is as urgent as the protesters seem to think.

Upon entry to my building, I was accosted by a - I kid you not - woman in Barbie-pink capris and matching pink 3" heels, wearing a white midriff-baring t-shirt reading "Proud to be a STRAIT GRRL!" Her bleached hair was ratted up en bouffant, and she was wearing far too much makeup. I almost laughed. She looked like a parody of a bad drag queen, but I doubt that occurred to her. She pointed a pink-laquered nail at me and shouted, "How do YOU feel about gays??" To which I solemnly responded, "Very carefully, m'am. I hear they bite. My condolences on your spelling." and kept walking. She paused a moment and called after me, "What does that mean??" I just kept walking.

A beautiful John Waters moment, lost forever! I need to find a way to incorporate that into a story somewhere.

Lady, whoever you are, I'm proud you're a STRAIT GRRL too, cuz you sure as heck would be a blight on the name of heterosexual females everywhere, otherwise.

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