RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is it stalking if the person you're stalking is themselves a stalker?

I was doing random Google searches for places to stay in South America, to get an idea of what's available when the Evil Temptress and I head down there in October. I bumped into a review on Amazon.com of Sweet November that seemed to mention one. I clicked the link, curious what the hell a bed and breakfast in South America had to do with that movie, started reading the review, and laughed so hard my lungs hurt. Not because it was funny, but because it was so utterly off the fifth wheel. I thought maybe it was a troll post, and out of curiousity, I Googled the poster's name.

Oh. My. Lawd. The misplaced quotes, they hurt and burn! I'm very glad the poster has a constructive outlet for their creativity, but for the love of little apples, if they're going to subject the world to their poetry, they owe at least an attempt at correct punctuation. My eyeballs were crying out for airsick bags before I'd reached the end of the first stanza. I've seen worse poetry, admittedly, and at least it scans - but then, so does "See Spot Run".

This .. woman? It's a female name, I think, but she mentions something that seems to allude to her being a part of a monastary, so I'm not sure. For the sake of finishing this paragraph sometime tonight, I'll assume she's a woman. And she's obviously not well. I can't tell if that's brain damage from the nonsober part of her life, or if it's undiagnosed and untreated paranoid schizophrenia, but in either case, it's sad.

I read the comments my cursory search came up with. I'm resisting the urge to do a more intensive search to see what comes up. I'm fairly sure that urge is spawned from the same section of my brain that makes me watch the Puppetmaster movies. Partly it's for the horrified train-wreck gawking, but another, smaller part, wants to keep searching to see if she ever mentions getting any help. She obviously wants to be locatable, so finding her contact info would probably be pretty simple. I wonder if she understands she's displaying classic symptoms of schizophrenia, and if she is a schizophrenic, I truly hope she gets help, because that's a terrifying world to live in.

For now, I'll do some more digging and reading. I've half a mind to toss a new FAQ up concerning her, because it's people like this that spawned the Original Rant page. However, I'm afraid to put her name in print - she does appear to Google her own name and trace back to the links. I can't decide whether the pointed, "You wanted to know why this page exists? THIS is why the page exists." would be worth having her bookmarking me.

I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed that she hasn't hit my Jestbook yet. She pretty much seems to have covered every other Joaquin Phoenix/River Phoenix/Keaneau Reeves site out there. Woe! I am not popular!

Oh wait. I said that like it was a bad thing. Sugar snap!

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