RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Friday, August 26, 2005

The rain in Spain falls mainly on .. my head.

No, I'm not in Spain. I wish.

I woke up to thunder and lightning this morning. It's amusing, how a good storm can make my day. I threw on the trenchcoat and headed out to work, cheerfully stomping in every puddle that crossed my path. My book and my glasses were safely tucked into an inside pocket and thus safe from wet. The rain poured down, soaking my hair and any available skin surfaces not hidden within the coat. I arrived at the bus stop beaming.

Who says chivalry is dead? I can't count how many nice people tried to shelter me from the rain under their umbrella, or how many strange looks I got as I cheerfully smiled, shook my head, and continued walking through the downpour.

I took the long route from the bus stop to my office building, walking along streets washed clean. Most people had forsaken the sidewalk for the dry shelter of the skyway system, and the remaining few hurried on to their destination under cover of plastic and nylon. I saw one other person on a rain walk, and we grinned at each other as we passed, a moment of joyful understanding.

The sky was dark, the streets filled with shadows when the lightning crackled overhead. Thunder boomed so loudly you could see the sonic waves in the puddles on the ground. The shops began to open up right around the time I headed through the central hub, flickering neon lights adding brief points of colour along the darkened street. Eventually I reached my building, and rather regretfully had to go inside. I'm 41 floors above the street, and that gives a whole new perspective on the storm. From here, you can see the clouds rolling and churning, and the lightning looks close enough to touch. The cityscape is covered by a mist of pelting rain, making it look as though someone slapped a diffusion filter over the window. From here, at this moment, it all looks beautiful.

I finally got my storm. It's destroying my productivity, because I want to play hooky and go run around in it. With any luck, it will still be raining when I leave work today.


2 They Have Spoken:

Blogger X said...

I love storms -- but I also love umbrellas in storms. I like the sound the rain makes hitting the umbrella; it reminds me of camping and being in a tent late at night.

8/26/2005 9:38 AM  
Blogger Peregrine said...

mmmmmm camping! I don't mind umbrellas sometimes, but during really powerful storms, I want to be as close to it as possible.

That, and I have an irrational fear of being hit by lightning conducted down the handle of the umbrella.

8/26/2005 11:38 AM  

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