RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Department of Peace campaign.

What is the Department of Peace campaign?
Details here.

Wow, that's a cool idea - how do I get involved?
How to help here.

What if I don't know who my representative is?
You can find that out here.

The last link gives you all the contact information you could possibly want about the representatives.

What can you do:
Read about the bill and the campaign. If you agree with it, shoot your rep an email or a phone call, or better yet, a letter, urging them to support and co-sponsor this bill.

The morning of the 14th, the Peace Alliance is trying to organize a massive call-in initiative. So this is me hitting up my readers - If you think this is a worthwhile cause, if you could take a few minutes on the morning of the 14th and call your rep's office either locally or in DC, it would be really appreciated.

This bill had 28 sponsors the first time it was submitted, in 2003. I went to DC that weekend and lobbied - luckily, my rep was already a sponsor, so it was really easy. I showed up with cookies as a thank-you, met with my representative, and got to express to him just exactly why I feel so strongly about this bill. It has 54 co-sponsors now, and a lot of thanks go out to a lot of people for campaigning for this since it was initiated.

I won't be going to the conference this year, but I will definitely be calling in. I've already written a very nice thank-you to my representative, telling him how proud I am that he's been one of the co-sponsors since the beginning.

So hey. It only takes a few minutes, and I'd love to see this bill passed this time. I honestly believe that the US could benefit heavily from having a Department of Peace. I could go into a very long detailed spiel about that, and perhaps tomorrow I will. For now, I simply wanted to get the word out so that random passing blogtrotters could see it in time to read up on it and make their own decision.


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