RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My two-headed alien love child

I love horror movies. Everything from spine-tingling psychological freakouts and nightmare-inducing gorefests to bad movies about demonic puppets or flesh eating diseases. I own every Troma title commercially available on DVD. Admittedly - that's for two reasons.

1. I loves me the cheesy, wacky, OH NO THEY DIDN'T!, horror movies.
2. Lloyd Kaufman - He's rabidly pro-independent. Yay! I support Troma to do my bit to make sure they stay in business. I not so secretly want to watch Troma take over the world. Toxie for Prez!

My dirty dark secret, that isn't really a dirty dark secret from anyone who actually knows me, is: I come up with and write really bad horror movie scripts. I don't go for good, intellectual, bowel-moving horror.. I go for the dark humour aspect, because those are the movies I like best. Movies like Shaun of the Dead, Night of the Creeps (Looky! A Romero!), Dead Alive (Peter Jackson before he started taking himself seriously).

"Horrorble" movies. The reason this isn't a secret to people who know me is that I dragoon them into being painted with liquid latex, fake blood, flour paste, tattered clothing, and smiling pretty for my very old and battered camcorder. The results are awful, corny, cheesy, over the top.. and exactly what I was aiming for. I don't subject other people to these movies, although if I ever convince myself to buy a digital camcorder that will change.

I'm lucky. My friends either share my love for outrageous horror movies, or are good natured enough to let me dragoon them into filming something that would be very embarassing if they ever ran for office. (But hey, considering who we've had in office before.. or now.. I figure it's not so bad.) Without my friends, I'd probably still write the scripts, but I'd never do anything about them. Without the people around me, without their sense of fun or willingness to jump both feet into whatever crazy thing I've written and want to film.. I would never want to do this. Because the answer to "why" is "it's fun!"

I was thinking about that this morning, and how much I appreciate the support of the wacky buggers I am lucky to call 'friends'. I also had a vague correlation between movies I enjoy watching - where the cast and crew apparently had a really good time, and movies I think are good but not fun - where you can tell everyone worked their ass off but the stress conveys itself onto the film. I'm usually vindicated by blooper reels or outtakes.

My train of thought has now derailed, so I'm ending this post. I may or may not pick it back up later.

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