RANT: verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion - rant·er noun - rant·ing·ly /'ran-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day.

After all the brouhaha over The War On Christmas, I thought about doing a spoof of a War on Valentine's Day - and then I Google'd it and found out there already was one.

I could go into a huge rant over the commercialization of the holiday, but other people already did.

I like the holiday. I like all holidays. Any excuse to spend time with and inflict cheesy gifts on the people I love? Dig it. I do usually wind up mocking the Hallmark-inflicted meaning of the holiday - for instance, this year, our V-day party is all about the red-foil-wrapped chocolates in the shape of internal organs. Also, zombie movies, because nothin' says lovin' like the reanimated dead! Of course, when they say it, it sounds suspiciously like "Freeessssshhh brrraaaaaaaaaaaaiiins!" - but true love is supposed to be cerebral.

However you celebrate, whoever you celebrate it with, whether you choose not to celebrate - I hope you have a wonderful day.

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